As a lawyer, Folkert Milch specialises in the fields of criminal law, civil law, traffic law and employment law. Our clients include private individuals as well as clients in the fields of industry, trade and services as well as public companies of all legal forms and sizes.
Lawyer Folkert Milch studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn and completed his studies with the First State Law Examination at the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf.
He passed the Second State Examination in Law at the Higher Regional Court of Cologne. Initially, he worked for the TRANSFORM Programme for Eastern Europe of the German Federal Government. Then he worked for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Ukraine and Serbia and for a World Bank project in Kyrgyzstan.
This was followed by various foreign activities for legal, judicial and administrative reform projects of the EU as project manager in Ukraine, Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Turkmenistan.
Lawyer Folkert Milch speaks German, English and Russian. He is a member of the City Council of the City of Bad Honnef, where he is also a member of the Planning and Building Committee and the Committee for Tendering and Real Estate.

The focus is on the client and the mandate!
When we take on a matter, we attach the greatest importance to examining the underlying facts professionally and thoroughly and to comprehensively clarifying the legal issues that arise.
However, the focus is always on the client's goals.
The primary task is always to find the best possible solution for the client. This requires that we are able to put ourselves in their shoes and recognise their point of view.
The situation of the client in all your concerns is fully taken into account and we adapt the legal support to these necessities.
We see our advice and representation as competent, partnership-based support.
There are many good reasons for working together lawyer Folkert Milch.
On the one hand, you have a plannable, reliable and binding partner with whom you can still work together on a handshake. On the other hand, we treat your concerns and the entire project as if it were our own: that is, with respect and always with the goal of always achieving the very best.
We are also able to react flexibly and at short notice. The following things distinguish us:

We take you and your concerns seriously and are appreciative in our dealings with each other

We follow up every request with the due professionalism, no matter from which area